[audio] You are not your diagnosis

Uncategorized Dec 12, 2022
Shawn Marshall
[audio] You are not your diagnosis

What's up my cyber friend!

I was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid.


And I allowed the diagnosis and the label to weave its way into my brain, and then into my identity.


I thought there was something wrong with me.


I remember not being able to focus.


I went through a very frustrating first year of college because it was hard for me to read. I would sometimes have to re-read a paragraph 3 times. And I had to build study habits that were way different from my friends…it would generally take me 2-3x as long to read a chapter in a book.


Now, that's not the case! I can focus with the best of them.

And it's not that I'm "special" though I was put in a "special class" as a kid.

It's that I stopped buying the story that I was limited or that there was something wrong with me.

I transformed it!

If that resonates, give this a listen so that you too can DISSOLVE that which is not serving your greatness…


Click the play button at the top of the page and let this msg in :)


Have a great day my friend!




Oh- in case you missed the workshop...

Learn 3 energy secrets...

 Get INSTANT access here 


In addition, I have 2 other ways to help you in getting clear + stepping into the driver’s seat of your life…


1- Black Friday offer- Next week I’ll be opening a pretty ridiculous offer that will include a never offered before workshop bundle, a 60 minute private coaching session with me, and even bigger, a 2 RARE day exclusive live transformational event with me.



3- Inner Game Mastery IV- If you are ready for personalized coaching and a container that will give you the opportunity to radically transform your life in 2023, with my support and a very exclusive small group (6 max) of committed people, for 9 months, then let’s chat.


Drop me a note with “Inner Game” in the subject line and we’ll hop on a call




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