Make love not war?

Uncategorized Oct 31, 2022
Shawn Marshall
Make love not war?

What's up my friend,


I was rocking out my "stay human" hat and "work hard, be nice" sweatshirt today and got to thinking...


Am I being THAT? Am I being a representative of those phrases? 


As in, if someone had an interaction with me, would they say I am representing those phrases? Or not?


So I wanted to ask you...


What are the phrases or words that you say often, and deeply believe in like...

  • Make love not war
  • Equality for all
  • Freedom
  • No human is illegal
  • Kindness is everything
  • Shoot for the stars and if you miss you'll land on the moon


And then, are you BEING a representative of that phrase or word?


This is deeply important to you being the creator of the life that you want to live, because your energy is attracting.


So the question is, is your energy attracting what you say you want?


Or, is your energy attracting more of what you say you DON'T want??


I recorded a short audio about this, give it a listen.


It's my experience that sometimes we are conditional.


Meaning, you believe in kindness, EXCEPT when...[fill in the blank of when you are willing to not represent kindness].


And other times, you regurgitate a phrase or word like those above, yet, it's more of an auto-statement. Like, you USED to be a representative of that phrase or word, but when you say it now it really lacks the energy behind it (I've done this so I get it).


Something to think about my friend.


Drop me a note and let me know your thoughts.




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