The lesson IS the blessing [🌟We got the house!]

Uncategorized Dec 12, 2022
Shawn Marshall
The lesson IS the blessing [🌟We got the house!]


I'm excited to share with you HOW Stacey and I shifted our energy and signed the paperwork for our new home last night! I'll share different aspects of this over a couple of emails.


Do you ever find yourself feeling frustrated in the process of calling in a big change?


Have you ever read the stories of those people who win the lotto and how they generally always go broke after winning millions? It's so common. You say, "How did you win one hundred million dollars and then go broke?"


The reason they go broke, and many of them end up in an even worse place than they were prior to winning those millions, is because they didn't get the EXPERIENCE of transforming themselves to BECOME the type of person who is a multimillionaire!


You see?


They skipped the line. And in the skipping of the line, they weren't energetically ready to walk on planet earth as a multimillionaire. They energetically aligned to WIN the money, but not to the version of themselves that deep down believes that they are a millionaire. And so, they lose it all.


You get it?


The RESULT is a blessing, but it's not EVERYTHING. I'll go a bit farther and say that the result you want is only the icing on the cake.


That is not to diminish what you want. Heck, celebrate your ass off, and stay in gratitude every day for what you DO create.


But I think that the BIGGER win is the actual EXPERIENCE of yourself transforming to become the person WHO created that result.


That's my experience with attracting our home yesterday. I'm beyond excited and happy about it. AND...the experience of myself going from frustrated, even confused as to why we kept hitting a wall with the home search, to (in less than 12 hours) getting our energy aligned and having the damn house, is PRICELESS.


That's an experience and process that I can duplicate, which is why I say that it's even bigger than attracting the house.


So, give this audio a listen and bring to mind what it is that you are wanting to call into your life. And also look for tomorrow's email which goes a little more into the magic of how we shifted our energy and attracted our home nearly effortlessly.


Click the button above to listen now.




PS- I'll be hosting a live workshop this Friday from 2:30 - 4:30 pm (MST). Mark your calendar now and look for a registration page soon. 


PPS- I've been studying this work for nearly 20 years, and I've learned that the journey never ends. Intentional manifesting is a constant unfoldment, and it takes practice. That's why I spend my time and money on things like flying across the country to live events, and always having my own coach. I think of those as accelerants --> They accelerate and even collapse time, which allows me to create more of the life and experiences that I want, quicker.

Because let's face it, you're only here on this planet for what, 100 years? 115 at most?


If you resonate with that then I have to ask, are you working with a coach right now? If not, I'm inviting you to jump on a call with me to explore in depth what it is that you want, and what it could be like to work together, me as your Coach.


If you are interested in having me as your coach to help you PRACTICE what I'm sharing here with you, then just drop your contact deets below and we'll hop on a call to discuss.

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