This movie got it right

Uncategorized Dec 12, 2022

Hey {{first_name}},


Quick message today…


Our flight is just about to take off, we’re headed back to Denver after an epic week in Florida!


I got this idea from Michael Beckwith yesterday.


He mentioned a movie, though I didn’t see that particular movie, so I’m using one that I know of…


The movie Rain Main, with Dustin Hoffman.


Did you see it?


What a great movie.


In the movie, the character Dustin Hoffman played was Raymond Babbitt, who was autistic.


Part of what made the movie so great (and this was the case with other movies that Dustin Hoffman played in), was that he BECAME the character.


He studied the role and practiced the mannerisms of the character until he became Raymond.


And he nailed it in the movie.


Many other actors do this as well of course. Some gain weight to BECOME the overweight character they are going to play. Others gain muscle to BECOME the warrior character they are going to play.


Great actors like Dustin Hoffman actually become the character, prior to the lights, camera, action.


Do you see?


They don’t step onto the movie set under the lights, and then figure out the character as the film is filming.


They become the character FIRST. And then the film is shot.


That’s exactly what you get to do my friend.


You get to BECOME the character of the person who will be leading the life that you really want to live.


You cannot wait until your life turns out the way that you want it to, to THEN become the character who created that life.


Manifesting your dreams doesn’t work that way.


If you are waiting for your life to change in order to BE that version of yourself, you will instead become an expert WAITER.


What is it that you want my friend?


What is your VISION for your life?


And, if you were living that life right now, who would you have had to become in order to create that life that you deeply want?


You are totally capable of having THAT life. Whatever that life is to you.


The fact that you can see that life in your mind’s eye is all that you need to know that you can actually create it.




You must transform yourself into the version of yourself that creates that life. Now. Before and as you create it.


That’s your mission my friend!


Stop waiting.


Stop wishing and hoping.


Become the version of yourself that creates that type of life that you want.


Become that version of yourself NOW and you will then take the action steps needed to create the life that you want.


I trust you get what I’m saying.


Let me know if I can help you on your mission of BECOMING.



PS- Is there anything I can support you with? Drop me a note & let me know


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