Your mind is vulnerable

Uncategorized Dec 12, 2022

Your mind is VULNERABLE.


Your mind is programmable – and that program is running your life.


Your mind’s current program is largely controlling your beliefs, your perception of life, your actions, and therefore your results.


95% of how you walk through life is being controlled via your subconscious mind.


You are operating from a PROGRAM, do you get it?


It’s the exact reason I stopped watching TV back in 2007 – I remember watching the “programming” channel to see what was on TV and thinking to myself “Shit, I’m being programmed.”


So my question for you today is, what are you allowing into your mind that’s programming YOUR operating system?


What media are you listening to? Is it the constant stream of doom & gloom, the sky is falling type of media? If so, you are being programmed with a message that is rooted in fear.


Fear Covid. Fear this group, fear that group. Fear guns. Fear the environment. Fear the changing economy. And on and on.

And when your mind is in a constant state of fear, your creativity, and many of your biological processes like your immune system and digestive system can become compromised.


I’m not saying that you should hide and not be informed as to what's happening in the world. I’m saying that you should pay attention to the tonality of the messages that you listen to, because your mind is being programmed by those messages.


WHO is programming your mind? 


Have you surrounded yourself with people who think 

  • The world is “happening to them” 
  • Life is hard
  • Rich people are evil
  • Money and time are scarce
  • It’s hard to be healthy after you have kids
  • People are out to get them
  • Have a victim mentality
  • Who prioritize drinking, partying and bad food, over health?


I saw this dude at the airport on Monday with a sweatshirt that read “The liver is evil and must be punished.”


Cute. That was probably me when I was 23 so I get the mentality, it’s “cool” to drink yourself into a dumb state.


But, I also saw a poll that was done on a college campus recently where they asked the students how they felt about drinking alcohol. The overwhelming response was that the students “Drink alcohol because of their perception of what they think their friends will think about them if they don’t drink.”


So that means that neither Bobbi or Sam wants to drink, but they both think that their friend will judge them if they don’t, so they both drink, silently resisting the fact that they are drinking.


Are you surrounded by people who hate their jobs, are always rushing around and always out of time, as if they somehow got the short end of the stick with time, as in “there’s never enough of it.”


Are you around people who find a reason to complain about EVERYTHING?


Or, maybe you are surrounded by people who don’t speak up, who avoid “rocking the boat” and who are essentially “getting through life” rather than “creating” their lives?


Either way, your precious mind is being programmed through your environment, your inputs, and those around you.


So, is your mind being programmed with a disempowering message that is limiting your God given ability to CREATE the life that you say you want to create?


OR is your mind being programming with an EMPOWERING message with reminders of how POWERFUL and FREE you actually are within your ability to create?


Who + what is programming your mind?


If you want to thrive, you must be intentional about what you allow into your mind.


You have much more power than you realize and when you embrace that truth, your life will unfold in a beautiful way.


Have a great day my friend.




PS- You need these two ingredients to live your purpose + create the life you want ==> Intention + participation.


➡️ Meaning, you get to be CLEAR on exactly what you want.

➡️ And, you get to PARTICIPATE in the creation of that.


With that, I have 3 ways to help you in getting clear + stepping into the driver’s seat of your life…


1- Workshop replay- The “3 Energy Secrets” workshop ROCKED and for a limited time you can get free access to the replay.

Get INSTANT access here



2- Black Friday offer- Next week I’ll be opening a pretty ridiculous offer that will include a never offered before workshop bundle, a 60 minute private coaching session with me, and even bigger, a 2 RARE day exclusive live transformational event with me.

(offer expired)


3- Inner Game Mastery IV- If you are ready for personalized coaching and a container that will give you the opportunity to radically transform your life in 2023, with my support and a very exclusive small group (6 max) of committed people, for 9 months, then let’s chat.

Drop me a note with “Inner Game” in the subject line and we’ll hop on a call to discuss what's going on and what you want the next chapter of your life to be like


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